Meaning of (आलिंगन करना) alingan karna in english

As noun : hug
press Ex:  News in the yellow press shouldnt be believed. neck Ex:  A swan is a large bird with a long neck .
As verb : close around/over/round embrace Ex:  If figuratively told themselves under the flags of someone taking embrace his party
Other : embosom enclasp inarm enlace interlock Ex:  Iron Piece generally round and angled from the top portion, which interlock by turning the hinges of a door, a flap, a shutter, etc clasp Ex:  Attach a clasp with
Suggested : to fit into each other, as parts of machinery, so that all action is synchronized to take or clasp in the arms press to the bosom hug the part of the body of an animal or human being that connects the head and the trunk to act upon with steadily applied weight or force to clasp tightly in the arms, especially with affection embrace
Exampleआलिंगन करना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(आलिंगन करना) alingan karna can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 11 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : aali.ngana karanaa

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